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The Treehouse

You decide you don't quite trust the shadows under the trees, at least, not enough to lay down next to them and close your eyes. You resolutely stifle a yawn, and looking around, you find a tall, sturdy tree just off the path, draped with long, coily vines. You grab one and test your weight, and it holds, so you begin to climb.

Almost as soon as you're off the forest floor, your head begins to clear and the drowsiness weighing you down fades away. The sun breaks through the leaves as you reach the crown of the tree, and you peer out over the tops of the branches.

It takes you a moment to decide your mind isn't playing tricks on you, but just beyond your perch, a rickety yet colorful treehouse rises into view, nestled in the crook of a tree so enormous it must be ancient, its tallest branches disappearing into the clouds high above you. The house looks abandoned, though it seems to have belonged to someone quite eccentric.

As you make your way to the enormous tree, you start noticing more details about the place that you couldn't make out from a distance. There's a little platform at the center of the trunk, positioned next to a series of ladders that must climb to the very top. The door to the house is ajar, but there is little inside beyond a few small comforts and some scattered papers. At a deck next to the house's open-air porch, a ramshackle little sailplane has been tethered, its wings still folded back from the wind.

Surely it won't hurt if you look around a little. It seems like no one has been here in a while...

💙 Climb to the top of the tree.

💛 Investigate the old rustic sailplane.


Forest Hill copr. BlithelyBlue / Fihyn
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