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The Sailplane

You step carefully onto the flight deck of the sailplane. It sways a little but otherwise holds; perhaps steadier than you expected it to be. You see a door to another compartment, maybe some sort of cabin or sleeping quarters, but the pilot's seat's visor has been folded back, and you have a clear view of the tree tops as you explore the craft.

You find the latch for the visor and make a mental note to fold it back up before you leave; it can't be good for the controls to be left open to the rain like this, even if the enormous tree does offer some shelter. As you make your way up towards the rudder wheel, a faint glimmer catches your eye, and you stop, your gaze locking onto a small cubbyhole set into the body of the plane.

After a moment or two of pulling at its cover though, you have to give up with a sigh and resume your earlier exploration; the door is jammed and you don't expect to get it open any time soon without some sort of tool. You gaze over the metrics and dials that cover the dash and feel another prickle of curiosity. You had assumed this was a sailplane, but there"s so much hardware here you start to wonder if there's something more to it after all, other than just the wind. You don't see a fuel gauge, but perhaps it could be something else, something like magic.

You reach out, and your hand brushes the lever in the floor. The propellor at the back of the plane stirs just slightly. Fascinating...

💙 Find a wrench, and investigate the jammed storage compartment.

💛 Rev the propellor.


Forest Hill copr. BlithelyBlue / Fihyn
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