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The lever in the floor springs back against your hand with a force you weren't expecting, then the craft underneath your feet bucks forward so sharply you lose your balance and fall to the deck, scrambling on your hands and knees to find your feet again.

A few things happen very fast. A roaring, rushing noise reaches your ears as the plane's propellors kick into high gear. The wings at the side of the craft shoot out to either side in one swoop, and the glass of the visor rattles. Then there's a crunching, snapping sound as the plane drops down into the tree tops suspended below, just before another kick of thrust sends the craft hurtling nose-first into the sky!

Terrified, you grip for dear life onto the seat of the plane, which creaks even around the bolts fastening it to the floor. The wind tears at your shoulders and a few small tools and gadgets go flying, swirling into the wake of clouds trailing behind the craft.

Somewhere beneath your panic, you start to wonder if there's any way you could get control of the plane without losing your grip and suffering the same fate. But just as you start to puzzle through your options, you start to feel lightheaded.

Horrified, you realize that the plane is going too high. The air is getting too thin... You can't seem to take in big-enough lungfuls to keep your vision from swimming. The dizziness grows and darkness starts to wash over you...

Just before your eyes fall shut against your will, you start to smell something sweet on the air...

💛 Wake Up.


Forest Hill copr. BlithelyBlue / Fihyn
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