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The Roots

You throw your hands out as far as you can, thrashing around until your fingers catch onto something rough. With all your strength, you grasp the handhold and pull yourself towards it.

With a scattering of splinters, the mimic loses its grip on you - continuing to drop down into the chasm below. It glares at you as it disappears, but it doesn't give chase. For a moment, all you can do is shudder and gasp, trying to calm your pounding heart.

After a few deep breaths you take stock of where you are; you've latched onto a tangled web of roots, holding on for dear life, suspended above the steep drop underground. There's dozens more roots and vines woven in the crumbling earth around you, and look sturdy enough to climb. You twist your head around, searching for a safe place to climb to. You think you can make out a faint ledge, but it's pretty far.

In the other direction, the roots grow denser and even more tangled. You realize they must lead to the center of the parent tree, and at that center... you think you can see something glowing....

💙 Climb until you reach the ledge.

💛 Climb towards the center of the tree.


Forest Hill copr. BlithelyBlue / Fihyn
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